FACT Life News...

Greetings, First Alliance!

Trust that you all are having a joyful Advent/Christmas season as we both wait for and celebrate the coming of Christ. May you continue to experience the fullness of Christ in moments of waiting, and may you express kindness and joy to those you cross paths with in the love of Jesus Christ.


Our Christmas Eve Candlelight Community Service this year on December 24 will begin at 6pm. We want you to be aware, but more importantly we want you to be inviting people to come with you to this service. This hour long service is designed for our greater community, especially those who aren’t connected with a local church. Who do you know in your neighborhood, at work, at school, at the gym, etc. that you could invite to come and hear the good news of Jesus Christ this Christmas? More people attend Christmas services than any other time of the year, especially if a friend invites them. Please invite people you know to come with you on Christmas Eve to pause and hear the truth of Christmas. Be praying not only for the people you invite, but also those that others invite that all would clearly hear and respond to the good news of Jesus this Christmas. 

We are also collecting clean coats and blankets for the Salvation Army this Christmas. Bring them on Christmas Eve so we can bless those in need in our area generously.  And be sure to let the people you invite know about this as well. Christmas is a time of giving.

Feel free to share about the Christmas Eve Candlelight Community Service on social media. We also have some flyers that can be distributed around town. If you would like to put some up, please contact Pastor Chris this week.


Also, as we let you know on Sunday, the next phase of Sanctuary Renovation involves us holding our regular worship services in the Fellowship Hall. This begins 1 January 2017, and will involve a bit of flexibility and patience on everyone’s part. Some activities and events that normally happen in the Fellowship Hall will be temporarily moved to other parts of our campus. Things may be a little “challenging” for a number of weeks, but this is also a time for us to draw together, show grace to one another, and see how God works in and through us in these days as a church body. Let’s work together to make this period as joyful as possible. The Elders, Administrative Board, and Pastoral Staff continue to see this project as an important part of the next season of life at First Alliance. Please be praying for the smooth completion of the work, safety for those doing the work, that the remaining funds to complete the project would come in quickly, and that above all God would be glorified both in the work and in our attitudes.


Finally, we hope to see you all on Wednesday evening, 14 December 2016, for the FACT Christmas Banquet. We’re looking forward to being together, and especially looking forward to an evening of Christmas cheer without an annual meeting. If you need a reminder of what to bring, click here.


We’re thankful that you are part of First Alliance. May we continue to connect, grow, and engage as disciples of Jesus Christ for the fulfillment of the Great Commission both in our own backyard and around the world.

Engage the World at Open Arms Clinic

Open Arms Clinic is a non-governmental, not-for-profit medical clinic dedicated to serving Stephens County residents. It is funded by private, individual and public donations. Located directly across the street from the Toccoa Clinic, they focus on providing primary health care with compassion and respect, and provide services on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

This may be a way that some of us at FACT could Engage the World practically and locally using the gifts, abilities, and/or education that God has given us to be good stewards of as a disciple.

There are two areas of opportunity: 

  1. Provide supplies that Open Arms needs. This allows them to direct more of their funds to actual medical care. Items you could donate include 13 gallon kitchen trash bags, stamps, and coffee & creamer. They are also in urgent needs of bottled water, copier paper, paper towels, and sticky notes. Many of the patients walk or ride their bike to the clinic. Bottled water is an essential items that helps to keep patients healthy and hydrated.
  2. Volunteer time to serve. Potential volunteers should be comfortable with using a computer, and they will train for all positions. The computer program is easy to learn, and help is readily available if needed. Student nurses and community service individuals are welcome, and Open Arms will work with you and sign off on your volunteer hours for clinicals or community service hours. Current opportunities include:
  • 1 position open for a Thursday morning nurse, one Thursday a month.
  • 1 position open for a Tuesday evening nurse, at least one Tuesday every other month.
  • 1 position open for a Thursday morning receptionist, at least one Thursday a month.
  • 1 position open for a computer literate individual who will assist with Patient Assistance Program applications and renewals.
  • Seeking an individual who has organizational skills and (perhaps) a basic knowledge of medications to offer assistance with organization and upkeep of the Pharmacy.
  • Morning and Afternoon receptionists on Wednesdays.

For more information, or to express interest, contact Open Arms Clinic directly at 706-886-0940 or at openarms@windstream.net.