Advent: The Birth of Christ

“And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born. She gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them.” Luke 2:6-7


When the first man and woman disobeyed God a wall came between them and their Creator. Sin was insurmountable. Each of us since has faced that same wall of sin separating us from God.

On our own there was nothing we could do to make our way back to God. But he had a plan for rescue. God the Son dressed himself in skin, limited himself to time and space, and submitted himself to the laws of nature to join us on earth. He became a baby.

In Bethlehem Jesus’ young mother birthed him in pain and joy. The twilight was pierced with his wail. What a mysterious night when God became human and drew near to us in the person of Jesus.

Jesus was born into a family. Walked through Israel’s streets. Laughed with fishermen, forgave sinners, died and came alive again to bring us into his kingdom. Emmanuel - God with us, God with skin on. He alone could tear down the wall of sin and bring us back.

The presence of Jesus has the power to bring joy no matter what we’re facing. Will you allow Jesus’ presence with you to be your source of joy this Christmas?

Advent: The Promise

All of this occurred to fulfill the Lord’s message through his prophet: “Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’” Matthew 1:22-23


The First Week of Advent:

It had been four hundred years since the Jews had heard from God. For generations he had led their judges and kings, had spoken through the prophets. Then, silence. Now, Rome occupied Israel. It seemed as if God had forgotten them. Had forgotten his promises.

And then God spoke. Not to a king or a prophet, but to a young woman. Through the angel Gabriel God renewed his promise to provide a Savior. Mary had found favor with God. Faithful as ever, she was quick to embrace the message the angel delivered. It sounded crazy. She was just a young woman, engaged to be married. But, like every other young woman, she had grown up hearing the prophecies, she knew what Isaiah had spoken. God’s Son would be born to a virgin. He wouldn’t leave his people in darkness.

Mary embraced the words of the angel. She would carry hope for nine months and then deliver him for the world. For every broken heart, for every hungry soul, God would show mercy.

God wrapped himself in flesh and became a baby. Mary believed in the impossible and became an accomplice to salvation. Her Son would be our path to peace.

Will you, like Mary, believe God’s promise? He has not forgotten you. Even now, in the midst of your hardest circumstances, Mary’s child wants to be your peace.