
Party of 12

A multi-generational community of people gathering to do life together. Build community, grow spiritually with God's Word, and discover ways to serve others in Christ's love.

When: Sundays @ 6pm, twice a month
Where: local home
Who: Anyone, singles, couples, multi-generational

Childcare: involve with the group
Contact: Darren & Joanne Dunavan Email Call

Women's Bible Group

A Discipling Community for women that meets weekly and is focused on Bible study through both learning and discussion. In addition, this intergenerational group fosters spiritual growth via relationship, fellowship, supporting one another in prayer, and seeking to engage our local world in practical ways.

When: Wednesdays at 6:45pm
Where: Library in the Worship Center
Who: Women, Multi-generational

Childcare: Available via Awana
Contact: Joyce Griffin Email Call