
It Is Better to Be than to Seem

A Discipling Community for anyone. This is a community family group for spiritual growth. We are trying to build honest relationships with each other and Christ, seeking to have a safe place for honest doubts and struggles. We recognize that life is busy and other things we are involved in are also honoring to God and valued by Him. Come as you are as we grow together in Him. We have young children that play and run around the house as the adults and older teens meet, so it is very much a living life kind of setting. We usually share a snack together and occasionally a meal.

When: Friday evenings @ 5:30pm
Where: On Campus (FLC 217)
Who: Anyone, singles, couples, multi-generational

Childcare: No / included in group life
Contact: Eric Brubaker Email Call


This community is geared for women who may not have friends/family in the area or who need to make a friend. Connect with other women through a time of devotion, prayer, fellowship, food, and building Christ-centered relationship while enjoying board games together. After all, a merry heart does good like a medicine.

Currently not meeting due to COVID concerns.

When: Usually 4th Friday of the month at Noon
Where: Fellowship Hall at First Alliance Church
Who: Women of all ages

Childcare: No
Contact: Laraine Betts